There is not one right response or one set of rules that will help you determine how to work your way through this kind of situation. The advice I gave my friend was specific to that situation and would likely not help you. Instead of offering some kind of broad advice I would like to ask some questions that might help you when you face this kind of a situation yourself. I hope these questions will help you work through the difficulty you face.
- If you were to do what you are being asked would you have a clear conscience? Is it morally acceptable to God? I would hope the answer to this question would always be yes, but perhaps it is too much to assume.
- Has the program or action been thought through well?
- Does this fit with the mission and values of the church?
- Is this something you knew you would have to do when you signed on?
- Is there a way to change the program or action so that it would work better for all involved?
- Most importantly have you been honest and respectful in communicating your opposition?
- Is it worth losing your job over?